Hello - new person here. Your circles on the backgrounds are looking good. Punches are fun - mine await, you've reminded me. I just made a lot of unintentional to-be-developed paper after knocking over a new large bottle of ink.... now mopped onto whatever paper + tissue was to hand. A supposed-to-be quick little convalescent making-an-effort became cleanup marathon.

As for sticky - I discovered matte gel medium a year or so ago, after long disliking other glues. I like Liquitex Ultra Matte. Also some Japanese pastes. I can check specifics if you'd like. I still get sticky, but much prefer this sticky to the old sticky. Also using an implement - kids glue spreader or a Catalyst tool, makes it easier. Hope this is not an overlong response!

Glad to find another artist exploring.

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A detailed response is great! Sorry to hear about your ink accident, but I agree - could make some interesting papers to start with in the future. I am going to try soft gel. Because it is less runny, I think I will find it easier to not get everywhere. And maybe I just need to remember to put on gloves!

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Thanks for your welcome, + kind words over at TR. I prefer messy hands to gloves! 'Nori' is one of the Japanese pastes, the other is the sweetly named 'Yes!'. Nori is good for fabrics, too, and keeps for years in the fridge. It can be watered down, is good solid texture in jar, nice to use.

Between the Ultra Matte and those two, my colllage-glue is covered! Also occasionally double-sided tape, or, rarely, a roller-dots adhesive can be 'the man for the job', I find. And there's always glue sticks - Tombow is my preference.

Clearly, some glue geekery going on here..... preferences refined over years...

I will enjoy hearing how your explorations go. ✨

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I do feel like you have really taken a deep dive into adhesives! Thanks for the suggestions!

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